Live DHW Data

This page connects to an MQTT server, subscribing to flow rate and temperature data from HIUs. The number varies but is currently around 250 live on this demo.

The data is real-time and anonomised, with the size of each section or ring related to tap flow rate (litres/minute), and the colour linked to current output temperature.

This is hot tap flow rates - the total tap flow may include additional (unmeasured) cold water to mix down to skin temperature. Setpoints vary, however the most common is 52°C.

Tap flow above 45°C is represented in red, and above 38°C (skin temperature) in orange. Colder temperatures are shown in grades of blue, starting near transparent and turning solid over the first 20 seconds of tap run. Solid blue should only be seen for brief moments at startup, if the tap flow rate is too low to trigger operation (1 ltr/min), if the HIU is in prepay isolation (needs credit), or there is a problem.

Number of Systems0
Current Total Flow0.0 ltr/min (0 running)
Peak Total Flow0.0 ltr/min (0 running)
Peak Individual Flow0.0 ltr/min